What the Future Holds
What the Future Holds
What about 2012? When will be the end of time? What should we be doing to prepare for the end of the world as we know it? These are questions people are asking. Of course, neither we nor anyone else knows the time when our Lord will return to catch away His church to be with Him, but we do know that He has commanded us to be faithful to Him until that day! Yet, questions still run through our minds as to what our world will be like as the time for His coming draws nearer. If He does not come in our lifetime, what will the world look like as the coming generations are born and come onto the earthly scene?
One thing we can be thankful and hopeful about in all this is there are many young people showing a great interest in the things of God. Not long ago we began offering a Division of studies in our BBN BI that we call Teen Studies. The Teen Studies Division is found in the 70000 Course Section. Already we are seeing good interest in these courses. One particular statistic we are encouraged over is the fact that of the 107 courses that have been started, 64 have already been completed! In this number only 6 have dropped courses, and the course we offer on basic, foundational Bible doctrines has not seen a student drop a single course!
Yes, we know that the spiritual climate is getting darker and that wickedness is growing just as the Bible predicted. Yet, in the midst of the darkness and evil we can see hopeful signs just like the students taking the Teen Studies at BBNBI.org and we trust you will tell some young people that you know about these courses. It may be the way the Lord uses to change a young life!
Written By:
David Wyatt
Date Posted:
4/22/2010 4:21 PM
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