How Can We Tell?
How Can We Tell?
What if someone were to tell you that they heard directly from God that a certain thing was to occur on a certain date, and that since God Himself said so, it must be true, so we must take appropriate action? Would you believe such a thing? How could we determine of it was in fact from God? Thankfully we do have answers to questions such as these, since it is all-important that we know what God's Word says on matters of life and death, as well as other matters of spiritual import. The Bible itself is the Word of God, and it is the only place to find the authoritative, "Thus Saith the Lord." God placed at strategic points in His Word warnings against anyone adding or taking away from it with very severe penalties for doing so. So, the answer to the above question is to study God's Word to see if such claims are so. We need to be much like the noble Bereans in Acts 17:11. We have a free resource that is designed to get God's authoritative Word in the hearts and minds of God's people, as well as to direct those who do not yet know God to a relationship with Him. You can peruse and access this source: the BBN Bible Institute, at BBNBI.org.
At the Institute, one can study such Bible truths as the Doctrine of Salvation, the Doctrine of God and the Doctrine of Angels, among many others. Also, many different Bible Books are available for detailed study under some of the finest Bible scholars living today and also some who are with the Lord now. Some of these Book studies are the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, along with the Acts of the Apostles and the book of Genesis, also among many others. Other studies include an overview of the entire Scriptures of the Old and New Testament as well as a study of the Foundational Beliefs of the Christian Faith. We have no excuse to be ignorant of the Word of God, and God will hold us accountable for having a working knowledge of His Word. Therefore, we gladly offer this free resource for your edification and encouragement. Share the good news with a friend.
Written By:
David Wyatt
Date Posted:
11/1/2010 2:27 PM
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