FREE TRIAL!!!!!!!!
FREE TRIAL!!!!!!!!
Have you ever wished you could personally be taught the Bible? Have you ever wished you could find a Bible college you could afford, never have to move, and one that would fit your schedule?
There’s good news for you! BBN Bible Institute is a free, online Bible Institute. To prove to you how good this is, how easy, and practical, we are making available to you a FREE TRIAL.
You can sign up with BBNBI and take your first course – 3 Lessons – absolutely free! If you like what you experience and want to continue – you merely select another course and continue (never a cost to you). If you decide this opportunity is not for you, merely send us an email and ask that your enrollment be dropped. It’s that SIMPLE! It’s FREE! It’s the perfect way to begin your New Year.
Click on the link provided here and begin your first lesson today. (BBN Bible Institute)
Tell a friend or family member about this Free Trial.
Here’s How to Get Started with your Free Trial.
- Go to our web site at BBNBI.org and on the right side of the page click on the Blue button “Sign Up.”
- Hold your cursor on the tab at top of page marked, "Browse Courses." You will see two options listed. 1) A Suggested Order of Study, or 2) Divisions and Courses Available. Click on the Option: A Suggested Order of Study.
- Next, click on Level I and then click on the first course: 10600 Doctrine Of The New Birth (3 lessons, each less than 35 minutes).
- Now click on the green button (Begin Taking This Course)
- Next, click on the "Listen Low Bandwidth" button there to start the audio. (This may take a minute or so depending on your type of player. (Feel free to take notes as you listen.)
- After listening to the lesson, click on your back arrow at the right top of your page and then click on the red button (Take Test) and the test will appear. Complete the answers and click the “submit” at the bottom of the page.
- You will see the graded test and you will be prompted to begin the next lesson. (You are free to procede at your own pace).
If you should need further assistance, please let us know.
Written By:
Shannon Dyess
Date Posted:
12/28/2010 2:19 PM
Number of Views: