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Happy Homes


Happy Homes


Do you regularly enjoy happiness in your home?

You can.  Seriously, you can!

Jesus said in Luke 6:46, And why call ye Me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say? All of us have been guilty of knowing more of God’s Word than we do, and one of the most important aspects of Bible study is doubtless applying the Word to our own lives. We have an entire division of study in the BBN Bible Institute titled the Christian Living and Family Studies division that is dedicated to helping us do this very aspect of Bible study.

One of the helpful courses in this division is 21400 Promoting Domestic Happiness. Dr. Tom Taylor, the Emeritus Associate Professor of Old Testament and Church History at Biblical Theological Seminary of Hatfield, PA, teaches in his delightful way, and drives the message home to our hearts that happiness in the home is only achieved in a lasting way when we seek it according to the teachings of God’s Word. As long as we think we have a better way, genuine happiness in our homes will elude us. However, when we submit to the Lord and His Word, happiness in our homes will be a by-product of living it out day by day. This is even true, as Dr. Taylor points out, if our homes are broken or marred in some way. Even if no one else is committed to doing it God’s way, we can and must be. The beautiful truth is that this applies to everyone in the home, regardless of age! We are glad to be able to offer this course in our BBN Bible Institute.  Encourage a family member or friend by introducing them to BBN Bible Institute and this course.

Written By:   David Wyatt    Date Posted:  2/16/2011 1:26 PM
Number of Views:  6968

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