Is It Worth It To You?
Is It Worth It To You?
Would you rather do something that is very easy or something that takes thought and work to accomplish? Which of these gives the more fulfillment? Are special treasures usually right on the surface or buried deep down so that it takes work and thought to discover them? Earthly treasures such as gold or other precious stones are rarely right in plain view of everyone, but are buried deep within the earth's surface, taking work and sometimes quite a struggle to uncover them. Yet this being so, it is worth the work and struggle to obtain these treasures! Some people have literally spent their physical lives in the attempt. But the truth is, these treasures will one day be taken from us. They will either be taken away from us here or we will leave them behind when we die. Yet people knowing this sometimes still risk life and limb to find them.
There is also another kind of treasure that is not taken away from us, and we will never lose them, even in death; in fact, death will only make them more real to us! What kind of treasures could bring this kind of value? We who study God's Word know these are spiritual treasures found only in the Bible! Colossians 2:3 says that in Christ are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge! It is also interesting that He is known as the Word of God, as the Apostle John reveals in his Gospel account, and we know that of all the Apostles, he was likely the closest to our Savior! So, as we study the Word of God, with Jesus Christ as our focus, will uncover spiritual treasures along the way that will not only benefit us, but others as well, and not only for this life but for eternity ! One final thing: we would like to remind you and inform those that do not know, that the BBN Bible Institute has over 100 free Bible courses in which you may study and dig deep into God's Word at your own pace and and on your own schedule. The Institute is found at www.BBNBI.org. You don't want to miss this opportunity! While you're enjoying it, tell a friend.
Written By:
David Wyatt
Date Posted:
6/29/2011 1:17 PM
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