Flying Feline
Sometime ago a church member told this story concerning his Pastor. Dwight’s Pastor looked out his window and saw that a kitten had climbed high into a thin tree in his back yard. No amount of coaxing would bring the kitten down to him. So the Pastor decided he would tie a rope to the thin tree and to his car bumper. By pulling the tree downward enough he could rescue the frightened feline. Just as he thought he had the tree bent low enough, the rope broke, the tree went “BOING!!!” and the cat rocketed skyward out of his yard.
The Pastor felt badly about the failed rescue attempt but went on about his business. A few days later in his community grocery store he paused to speak to a church member pushing her cart down the aisle. Noticing a large bag of cat food in her cart and knowing she was a vocal cat hater he questioned her about the cat food. The lady responded: Pastor you won’t believe this. My little girl has been begging me for a cat and wouldn’t take no for an answer. Finally a few days ago I told her if the Lord gave her a kitty I would allow her to have it. She went into our backyard and kneeled down to pray to ask God for a kitten. While kneeling there, this cat came sailing through the air with all four legs extended and landed in front of her.
Never underestimate the value of prayer or God's ability to answer.
Whether or not you doubt the veracity of this story (it is supposed to be true), it is likely you could use a little help with your prayer life. We have two enlightening courses on prayer in our Bible Institute - #’s 20500 and 21800. Perhaps God will use these studies to help you progress further in your prayer life.
Written By:
Shannon Dyess
Date Posted:
10/11/2012 4:43 PM
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