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I Have Questions!

I Have Questions!


1)   Why do bad things happen to good people?

2)   What am I to do?  I know what I believe and I know what I ought to do: my spirit is willing but my flesh is weak.

3)   Why doesn't God answer my prayers or why is He taking so long to do something?

4)   What am I to do when I have failed God miserably and my life is flooded with consequences of my bad, past choices?

5)   What if my life is a tangled web of disappointments and unwanted circumstances: does God really care?

6)   I see the mess our world is in, what is God up to?  How will our world end?

Most often our questions do not have easy answers or quick solutions.  To our shame, we often go on in our miseries, complaining or wishing for miracles, rather than investing a little time to find answers that satisfy our needs.  God is Light!  He has not left us to stumble blindly in the dark.  He gives answers and illustrations in His word the Bible and often we see them in the lives of the characters in Scripture.  If any of the above questions sound similar to your questions or they incite curiosity or interest, you can find the answers in one of our Character Studies in BBN Bible Institute.  We have 116 courses available to you - FREE online.  The above questions are answered in the corresponding courses below.  Select one and get your questions answered or share with a friend that may be searching for truth.  

1) 40700 Joseph,  2) 40500 Peter,  3)  40200 Moses,  4) 41300 Lessons From The Life Of David,  5) 40900 Ruth  6) 41000 Daniel

Written By:   Shannon Dyess    Date Posted:  9/19/2013 2:49 PM
Number of Views:  6116

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