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All She Had to Give Was Herself...

All She Had to Give

            Was Herself...

Ten years old Lorita was greatly moved by the preaching of God’s word at her church as were many others on that Sunday in Lubbock, Texas in 1954.  It seemed that God was present in an unusual way in the service that evening as missionary Bob Schmidt preached.  Pastor Ralph McCoy placed an offering plate on the table in front of the pulpit at the closing of that service encouraging all to give something to help the Schmidt family get to France as missionaries.  People began leaving their seats and filing by the table dropping their monetary gifts into the plate.  Young Lorita moved from her place and stood in front of the offering plate, wiping tears from her eyes.  Pastor McCoy greeted her with kindness and through her sobs and tears he heard her say: “I don’t have any money to give; I just want to give myself!”  Tenderly, he picked her up and stood her inside the offering plate and addressed the crowd: “This little girl doesn’t have any money to give, but she wants to give herself to the Lord! How about you?” It seemed the glory of God’s presence filled the room, and many began to make their way to the front to verbalize their dedication or re-dedication to the Lord. 

Lorita’s friend, Linda McCoy, was there that evening and recently while detailing this amazing story, told how numerous individuals moved in that meeting eventually went on to do mission work in Guatemala, Mexico, Central America, Brazil and the U.S.  But the story is not over!  Now, 60 years later, their children, grand children and nationals reached by them are carrying on the missionary spirit sparked in the heart of a weeping child and other willing souls stirred to take the Gospel of Jesus to others.  

In 1954 missionaries and caring witnesses were needed to tell the 2.7 billion people in their world of Jesus’ death and resurrection and His desire and power to deliver every sinner from guilt and damnation. Now with 7.2 billion in our world it is imperative that every true Christian become a witness for Jesus. However, there are some that God desires they offer themselves to become dedicated missionaries, Bible teachers, or preachers. How about you, will you offer yourself with the sincerity and willingness that Lorita did?  You never know how your sensitivity and obedience to God's leading in your life may affect your destiny as well as untold others.

BBN Radio and Bible Institute are perfect places to listen and study God’s word that you may become a better communicator of His salvation. Wherever or however God may choose to use you, you can become better prepared to serve Him.

Written By:   Shannon Dyess    Date Posted:  3/14/2014 1:11 PM
Number of Views:  7870

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