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What’s So Great About God, Anyway?

What’s So Great About God, Anyway?

A soldier in wartime was standing on a ridge signaling to his men when suddenly without warning an enemy bullet struck him and he fell into a large hole made when a shell had exploded, and as he lay there in pain, the first thought that hit him was, where do I go from here? He had been a man up to that very time in his life that was always proud of his accomplishments and his strength, feeling he needed no one, and if it came down to it he could and would make it on his own the rest of his life. Yet now he felt his weakness as never before, and the thought he had successfully dodged many times now came rushing into his mind once again, where do I go from here? He had heard believers in Christ from time to time talk about God and the need to be right with Him, but he had always laughed at that thought, until now. He cried out for someone to help him, but all he heard was the sound of distant enemy gunfire that was coming closer and closer. His heart beat faster and faster, and he realized that without some kind of help, he would soon leave this world, but once again the thought that he had never entertained all his life until now came rushing back for the third time in a few minutes, where do I go from here? Soon some words that came from the deep recesses of his past which had not entered his mind from the days of his boyhood came rushing back, …"call upon Me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee…" Somehow he remembered these words were from the Bible, though he knew not where, but he figured he may as well call out to the God he’d snubbed all his life, which he did and then returned to unconsciousness until he awoke in a base hospital. Someone gave him a Bible and he searched until he found those words in Psalm 50:15, which concluded with, “...and thou shalt glorify Me.” As he had some time to think on his life, and talk with some genuine believers, he realized that not only did God exist, he also found out that He loved him and sent His Son Jesus to die for his sins (which were many), and the moment he believed in Christ as Savior, just as God promised, he received eternal life in Him! This soldier, among countless others have found the answer to the question asked in the title of this article because they met God personally!

The BBN Bible Institute ( also offers a free Bible course in our Teen Division of study, course number 70700, What's So Great About God, which we believe will assist the student to come to know God better through the study of His Word the Bible. We trust you will be encouraged as you study this or any of the other 116 free courses in the BBN Bible Institute, and that you will also tell a friend!

Written By:   David Wyatt    Date Posted:  7/24/2014 2:27 PM
Number of Views:  6163

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