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Did you know that the Bible records the sermons of a medium, a man that had a familiar spirit, and that he preached the coming of the Savior thousands of years before the time of Christ? Did you know this same man died a violent death at the hands of Joshua and his men? It is true, and this man’s name was Balaam, who also is the only Bible character recorded that was spoken to by an animal! Did you also know that the Bible records the experiences of one of the godliest men in Scripture that experienced a depression so intense that he wished to die, and that this same man single-handedly defeated hundreds of false prophets that set the nation of Israel back on track with God? This man’s name was Elijah, one of the greatest of all Old Testament prophets. He set up an altar and prayed fire down from heaven to consume the sacrifice rather than the sinful people, which is also a picture of Calvary! Did you know that the Bible also records the record of a man that did not die and this same man named his son a name that meant: when he dies it shall come, and his son went on to live longer than anyone else in recorded history? Did you know this same man also lived a life of deliberate virtue during a time of unparalleled wickedness, and that his son was born when he was 65 years of age? These things are true, and the man’s name was Enoch. Finally, did you know that a man under King David often risked his life for him due to his loyalty, yet he had no personal love for him at all? Though this man had no love for David the king, he had a great love for David’s kingdom, and his entire career was predicated on the fact that Israel would be lost without David. Though this man served under King David, he didn't think the way David thought at all. The way that David thought was foolishness with this man. Therefore, in the end, David, that shrewd judge of men, handed him over for judgment. This man's name was Joab, the general of David’s army. These things are all recorded in the history of Israel in the Bible. All these facts are covered in a fascinating free study in the BBN Bible Institute course titled Special Bible Characters taught by Dr. John Phillips, course number 41600, found at If you decide to study this course and are excited about it as we believe you will be, why don’t you share that excitement with a friend!

Written By:   David Wyatt    Date Posted:  8/15/2014 11:13 AM
Number of Views:  5806

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