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Christians are communicators! We have the greatest message on earth to communicate, that is God’s love for sinners in sending His Son to be our Savior. The question is, are we qualified to do so? A few tests will help us to determine whether we are or not. One is the motive test: what are our motives in communicating? All of us have somewhat mixed motives, but are our motives (as much as possible with God’s help) pure, in that we share the message not to make a name for ourselves but to make the Savior’s name known? Then, there is the message test itself. Are we seeking to take our own message as we go, or are we simply delivering the message (the Gospel as given in Scripture) as it was given to us? What about the compassion test: do we share the message of the Gospel with the compassion as one who was once lost ourselves? Do we share as one beggar telling other beggars where we found the Bread of Life?

King David had a son he loved, but had spoiled him and this son became wild and ruthless, and almost stole the kingdom of Israel right out from under him. This son was Absalom and you can read this part of his story in 2 Samuel chapter 18. Absalom was gaining power and followers, and it looked as if he was going to take the kingdom away from his father, but just as he seemed almost invincible, he met with a sad ending. Joab, the commanding officer under David, was the one that ended Absalom’s life and in a very odd situation. He then summoned one of his men to take the death news to David. There was another young man named Ahimaaz that wanted the courier duty, but Joab resited allowing him the responsibility, but after much begging by Ahimaaz to be allowed to go, Joab relented and allowed him to run with his message. Ahimaaz was faster so he got to David quicker than the other man, however, when he arrived, he was unable to give David the pertinent information he wanted concerning the battle and the welfare of Absalom. So, in reality, Ahimaaz made things worse since David was confused concerning his son. The man Joab first sent to carry the news finally made it to David, and having the correct news, delivered it accurately and carefully. This man alone was qualified to carry this news. Both men were messengers but only one was qualified. This interesting story is one of six that is shared in a very helpful course, 52100 Vocations in the Bible. Dr. Warren Wiersbe renowned author and teacher, takes you into the Scriptures for insights concerning vocations in which God uses people for His glory and our good. If you find this a helpful study, perhaps you have friends that would like to know about BBNBI.

Written By:   David Wyatt    Date Posted:  11/10/2014 3:58 PM
Number of Views:  5614

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