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Shhh, hear that music playing in the background?  It’s hard to hear with all the laughing, excitement and celebrating going on!  We’re celebrating our tenth year in BBN English Chat!

Back in 2005, BBN began using chat so that we could talk with seeking people one on one.  God  has been pleased to put His blessing upon the idea.  Since then more than 63,000 have shared their heart and questions with our trained advisers and over 530 visitors have made a personal decision to receive Jesus as their Savior! We do not have professional counselors but rather men and women that are trained in the Scriptures and passionate about helping people who are looking for Bible answers to the issues of their lives: difficulties in parenting or marriage, struggles with assurance of salvation, answers to biblical questions or concerns about a doctrine in Scripture. Every chat is confidential.

A chat visitor came to our chat line desiring to reach a "HOW To" suicide website, but instead got BBN Chat.  He chatted for a long time and though he professed to be an atheist, he allowed our Chat operator to have prayer with him.  It’s exciting to see God use BBN chat to touch lives all around the world.

Maybe someone you know, or even yourself, could be helped by talking with one of our Chat advisers. You can reach us at

Oh!, I have to go now, they’re cutting the cake!

Written By:   Shannon Dyess    Date Posted:  6/17/2015 4:09 PM
Number of Views:  5368

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