The Elephant Whisperer
20 Elephants Showed up at His Home
In March of 2012, the Elephant Whisperer died. His name was Lawrence Anthony, South African legend, author, conservationist and rehabilitator of elephants. On the eve of his death something rather bizarre occurred.
Twenty elephants showed up at his home where he lived on a private game preserve. Somehow the creatures sensed the death of Anthony who had given them special care and a safe haven. Voluntarily and intuitively this strange pachyderm procession came together and traveled for more than twelve hours. Led by two matriarchs, the elephants surrounded his home and stayed for two days and nights as if to pay their respects and then left as mysteriously as the came to return to the wild confines of the reserve.
Isn’t it peculiar that the animal world seems to be better at gratitude and thankfulness than we are. Have you ever eavesdropped in the early morning on the cheerful birds welcoming in a new day? It’s like they have this need to express praise and gratitude to their Creator. Remember the story of Jesus healing the ten lepers (Luke 17:12-19)? They all left excited and happy with their instant healing, but only one returned to express gratitude. Jesus asked the lone thanker, “Where are the other nine?” May we learn to be more like our creature teachers. Let us ask God to help us learn to be more attuned to the moments in which we ought to be grateful and proactive in expressing our thanks.
Why not pause a few moments today to thank God and others for the ways your life has been blessed and helped by their care, investments, and sacrifices.
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Written By:
Shannon Dyess
Date Posted:
8/24/2015 4:46 PM
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