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Have a MARY Christmas!

Have a

MARY Christmas!

Mary, the friend and worshiper of Jesus was completely focused upon Him when he came to her home!* Her sister, Martha, was distracted with preparations of a delicious meal, entertainment of guests and festive decorations for the occasion. Too often, during the Christmas holiday season we ourselves feel more like Martha than we do like Mary (busy, harried, distracted, frustrated).

When you think of Christmas do your thoughts immediately focus upon Jesus? On Christmas day, does your focus remain upon Jesus?

If Christmas is going to mean what we know it should mean, then, more than likely, we have some changes that need to be made. If our Christmas season has become more of a season for holiday cheer, nostalgic traditions, bright lights, secular songs, and family get togethers with just a little bit of Jesus stuff sprinkled in for Christian flavoring, then, we are having a Martha Christmas. If we really want Christmas to be a time to remember Jesus’ birth and a celebration of God’s salvation coming to a sinful world, then we must exalt, highlight and magnify Jesus more.

What changes could you make this year to make your Christmas a MARY Christmas?

*Luke 10:38-42

Written By:   Shannon Dyess    Date Posted:  12/18/2015 2:37 PM
Number of Views:  5039

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