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FINAL WEEK, Reach A Little Higher!


Reach A Little Higher!

We are in the last week of Challenge 30! Thousands have accepted the Challenge to Climb Higher in Bible study in in 2016. Many can see the summit of success right above them and many have already reached it and are enjoying the scenic view of achievement. Some are aspiring to reach beyond their original goal and get another course finished by March 15. There are a few that would like to see if they can make a quick climb in the last week. We have 26 Courses that have 4 or less lessons. So you can grab one and reach to finish by March 15 (takes less than 3.5 hours). You can do it!

The notes from our Higher Climbers have been coming in daily. It is amazing to hear how God has been using these Courses to purify and inspire people’s lives.


Greetings! I  just finished the course 'Signs of the Times' with Dr. Charles Wagner. This course tied in very well with the Rapture course. What an enlightening experience. Throughout the course, I became more and more convicted about sharing the gospel with the lost. The tribulation period isn't a time I want for anyone to face or go through. I want to share with others the hope and eternal security in Jesus Christ our Lord!

Climb Higher - finish well!

Written By:   Shannon Dyess    Date Posted:  3/9/2016 2:42 PM
Number of Views:  4492

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