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Can you name five things that never change? We live in an ever changing world, society and body. The truth is, we have become so used to change in our nano-second, technological world that we seldom think about it. And yet, there is something inside every human that appreciates change and yet resents it.

What if our world didn’t change? Life would be seriously boring! We would all still be infants, uhh, no we wouldn’t; none of us would be here. There would be no new things, wherever we began, we would never move or progress. Whoever held office would forever hold that office (now that’s a scary thought!). And whatever is wrong would forever remain that way.

I am glad that people can change. At times we seem mired in bad habits and channeled into a wrong direction, or held helpless captives to circumstances and consequences. But I am so glad that God can change a heart, cleanse away sins and birth a new day and a new life in Christ! Have you yet trusted in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and experienced the change of your life, your desires and your destiny?:

Two things I am glad never change: God and His word. He is ever the God of truth, righteousness, mercy and grace. His word remains the same and provides for us a totally reliable compass, anchor and refuge.

This is a great time of year to begin a new Bible study. Find in God and His word the guidance, strength and hope you need so that some things in your life can change. What would you like to see changed in your life? You can change!

Find free online Bible courses here.

Written By:   Shannon Dyess    Date Posted:  1/27/2017 9:31 AM
Number of Views:  4693

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