Finally Home!
Finally Home!
He was the father of 6 children and a widower, and at age 75 he was still working as a common laborer, but in 1922 he died in anonymity. His remains were eventually stored in a shed on the grounds of the mental institution where he died. His whereabouts was not discovered until 2016. About 150 volunteers collaborated to transport his cremains over 3200 miles and across 19 states and have him buried in his parents’ graveyard.
Private Jewitt B. Williams’ location was discovered by a historian. He had served in the 20th Maine Regiment in the Civil war and was among those who were at Appomattox, Virginia when Gen. Robert E. Lee surrendered to end the war. Later, Jewitt married and traveled west to Oregon. Finally, after 94 years of obscurity, he was laid to rest at his boyhood home in Maine.
Of course no place in this world is one’s final resting place. Actually, once our body dies, our spirit is transported to one of two places - heaven or hell. We are in this life to get ready for our final home. Once we leave this life it is too late to make preparations. Will your final home be heaven?
Written By:
Shannon Dyess
Date Posted:
7/28/2017 1:15 PM
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