It’s Coming, A Day of Good News!
It’s Coming, A Day of Good News!
A few years ago, I heard that a friend, we’ll call Wayne, had cancer and was in the final stages before death. We had often talked about the Lord, but he was having such a good time that he never saw his need. But my wife and I were having a strong urge to see him and share Christ with him one more time. When I mentioned this, she immediately said let’s go, since she felt the same. So, we began the trip, not knowing if he’d receive the Gospel having rejected it many times.
After sharing Christ, Wayne’s eyes filled with tears and he trusted Jesus! After the funeral, his brother told me that Wayne had said with a huge smile I’ve got Jesus! I’ve got Jesus! I was overjoyed, yet surprised since I had been somewhat intimidated by him since he’d rejected Christ so many times before. Yet the Lord had used His Word, more than the witness, in bringing Wayne to Himself!
We will have an opportunity soon to share that joy, in our Day of Good News when we will be sharing the Gospel with all who will listen. No matter the response, seeds will be sown that will one way or another be used of the Lord! (Isaiah 55:10-11). You can invite family and friends to listen to BBN Radio on April 2 (6 AM - Noon). The Gospel, God’s way to His heaven, will be shared live on BBN Radio across the world.
Written By:
David Wyatt
Date Posted:
3/21/2018 2:16 PM
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