What Is Prayer Worth?
What Is Prayer Worth?
Let’s be honest, as believers most of us have inadequacies with our prayer-life. We know that we ought to pray, but we just don’t seem to be satisfied with our prayers. This article is not designed to be the end-all of what a prayer-life ought to be. In fact, if anything, it is an admission by the writer that he is just as frustrated as many of you are! But, may I also add that genuine help is on the way! No, it is not the latest trendy book by the latest trendy author telling you how to improve your prayer-life guaranteed in 10 steps. It is, however, help from the Master pray-er through hands-on life experience. We see God’s people in the Word of God in everyday experiences pouring out their hearts to the Lord and just at the right time, He answers their prayers for His glory and their good. But lest we think prayer is only for the times of trouble, we see men like Daniel who made it their habit to spend time with the Lord every day even if it meant personal loss. Prayer is literally our lifeline to our Lord Jesus, and it is absolutely vital everyday in our Christian lives.
The BBN Bible Institute offers course, 20500 The Value of Prayer, as taught by the late, Dr. Ray Stedman This delightful and insightful course sheds light on the Bible’s teaching and examples of Bible characters who lived in daily dependence on God through prayer. May you and I learn to do the same as we learn the value of prayer.
Written By:
David Wyatt
Date Posted:
5/30/2018 1:54 PM
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