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The Secret
The Secret to Purifying
Your Mind and Soul

One day Marco asked his grandpa, “I try to read the Bible like you do, but there is much I don’t understand or remember, why should I keep reading?”
Grandpa handed him a dirty, woven basket. “Son, take this to the creek and bring it back full of water.”
Marco ran to the nearby creek, filled it and returned, but when he arrived the basket was empty! “You must move quicker,” said his grandfather and sent him away. He repeated this assignment several more times but got the same results.
Finally in tears Marco exclaimed,’ “It’s not working; I quit!”
Gently, the old man said, “Look at the basket and tell me what you see.”
Marco replied: “It’s clean, all the dirt is gone?
“That's right son!  Studying God’s Word works like that.  You may not understand or remember much, but in the process of continued reading, your mind and soul are made clean.”
At BBNBI we applaud your efforts to study your Bible and encourage you to make another trip to the creek.  Select another course; begin or continue your studies that God may continue His purifying work in your life.

Written By:   Shannon Dyess    Date Posted:  8/24/2018 4:26 PM
Number of Views:  4345

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