Most Valuable Treasure
Most Valuable Treasure
Job in Scripture wrote, My foot has held His steps, His way have I kept, and not declined. Neither have I gone back from the commandment of His lips; I HAVE ESTEEMED THE WORDS OF HIS MOUTH MORE THAN MY NECESSARY FOOD. (Job 23:10,11) Can you picture this guy painfully enduring weeping sores all over his body, grieving the deaths of his 10 children, reeling from financial ruin and his best friends telling him all these were Divine judgments because he was a liar, a hypocrite and a grievous sinner? He paused in the middle of all his misery and said: I have been a faithful follower of God’s directions, I have been careful to live right, I will go onward in obedience in God’s ways, and I have esteemed (treasured) His words more than the meals I enjoy. Wow!
Let us set aside our busyness, failures, excuses and successes and determine to be like Job in 2019 concerning God’s words. Let us treasure His word and treat it as our most valuable possession and store it up as necessary resources for our future. This is the perfect time of year to begin a new Bible study. Choose a BI course of interest to you and begin immediately!
Written By:
Shannon Dyess
Date Posted:
12/31/2018 4:26 PM
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