The Challenge is on!
The Challenge is on!
CHALLENGE 30, 2019
If it doesn’t CHALLENGE you, it won’t CHANGE you! The CHALLENGE is to complete at least one Bible Institute course in the 30 days of June. It is in the word of God that we grow in our knowledge of Him. It is in His word that we gain patience, encouragement, hope and peace. All of this speaks of change in our lives; this is why we challenge you to take one of our Bible courses.
See what the Challenge is all about and select your course today and complete it by June 30. Please share the Challenge with your friends and family and let us hear back from you what God does in your life as a result of your participation in it.
Our first note of encouragement for Challenge 30, 2019 came in from Ronda:
I am planning to participate in the Bible Challenge 30 for June this year! I am so excited about the "changes" He's doing in me and my family! I am studying God Revealed to Man. And next ... First Corinthians.
Written By:
Shannon Dyess
Date Posted:
5/30/2019 2:41 PM
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