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It’s Just Days Away

The finish line for Challenge 30 is about a week away. Many thousands have responded to taking the Challenge and they are working to complete at least one of our Bible courses by June 30. Dario completed his first Challenge 30 course and he wrote to share his experience.

I have always been active in service at my church; however, I had set aside my BI studies in the Word of God. I have started up again this month and finished the course, Stewardship of Life and God spoke to me that I must continue studying His Word. Thank you for this tool that you put in our hands. God bless you for this labor.

We hope you have selected your course and are nearing completion. If you have already completed one course, we challenge you to select another and work to finish it too.

Haven’t started the Challenge yet? Seize the challenge and take this short course! Who Is Jesus (4 short lessons on His miraculous life and works)

Already completed at least one course?  Here are 2 other suggested courses. Select one of these and complete it by June 30. Love in the Home (4 helpful lessons on how to make your family life more pleasing to God). A Study in Godliness (4 lessons on how to live a godly life in this ungodly world).

Remember, if it doesn’t CHALLENGE you, it won’t CHANGE you.

Written By:   Shannon Dyess    Date Posted:  6/21/2019 3:01 PM
Number of Views:  3584

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