Rescued Marriage
Rescued Marriage
Do you know any Christians that desire to have a better marriage? To better understand the Bible so that it is relevant to their lives? God is doing these very things in the lives of some studying with us in the BIble Institute. Liliana and Betty wrote and told us how God used the BI in their lives.
Thank you for recommending this course to us. We have already listened to it and it was a great blessing to my husband and me. Thank you so much. My testimony in ten words is : "Jesus saved my marriage and home for his holy glory" Liliana
I started a BBN course... and love every lesson. I’ve read the Bible through different times over the years... but never understood it like I am grasping it now… These teachings are somehow making the Bible alive and helping me apply it to today’s situations. I often get excited at something new I learn. Betty
Share with a friend about BBNBI; perhaps God will use it to help him or her come to know Jesus better and make a difference in their life.
Recommended Course: 01100 The Bible, from God to Us (How we got the Bible we read today and how to better understand the Bible).
Written By:
Shannon Dyess
Date Posted:
10/18/2019 4:23 PM
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