God Is Able!
God Is Able!
Can you imagine a time in our history so filled with wickedness and violence that God Himself was sorry that He had created man? This was the atmosphere that a man named Enoch was born into and as far as we know was simply living his life day to day, until he and Mrs. Enoch had a new little one born into their family. The Scripture says that after Enoch and his wife had that little boy they named Methuselah, whose name is a sermon in itself, it was then that Enoch evidently realized that if he was going to make it in the terrible times of his day, he would need God’s help. We see this testimony concerning Enoch in Genesis 5: And Enoch lived sixty and five years, and begat Methuselah: And Enoch walked with God after he begat Methuselah three hundred years, and begat sons and daughters... (vv.21-22) We know that God obviously did help him, since we find Enoch bringing more children into the world and later speaking for God in perilous times. God is still able and willing to help us today! We offer a wonderful free Bible course on Enoch as well as other special Bible characters, at www.BBNBI.org, course number 41600. Give it a try, and if you’re blessed, please tell your friends.
Written By:
David Wyatt
Date Posted:
7/29/2020 4:30 PM
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