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What’s in a name? Our name speaks to others of our identity, relations and more. If the name Adolf Hitler is mentioned, one thinks of prejudice, hatred, and death. If the name, Moses is called, many think of the Ten Commandments and Bible history. 
Isaiah the prophet wrote of Jesus’ coming 700 years prior to His’ arrival in the manger and said His name would be called Wonderful. Why? What does that name imply? His name Wonderful speaks of Him being marvelous and awesome and it tells us of His excellence and power to do the miraculous. This name sets Him apart from the human and the normal and exalts His Deity. Frequently in the Gospels you can read how people were astonished when the elements instantly obeyed His commands; believers and scoffers gawked in wonder when demons cowered and acquiesced to His authority; crowds were awed at how powerful and yet gracious His words were. Commands from His caring heart caused the deaf to hear, the mute to speak, the crippled to walk and the dead to live!
This name is not just about another time and another world. Oh no- He is ever the same! He still does the improbable, the impossible, and the miraculous! No wonder He is called WONDERFUL! Remember, relish and rehearse His excellence and awesomeness this Christmas season.
Enjoy our all-Christian Christmas music through December 31 and introduce a friend to BBN radio.

Written By:   Shannon Dyess    Date Posted:  12/22/2020 3:34 PM
Number of Views:  3088

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