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The Bible: From God to Us
The Bible:
How God Got It to Us

Have you read your Bible today? If you have, did you realize you entered a library when you opened it? Do you know that our Bible is really a library of 66 books shelved within the two covers? Have you ever wondered how we got our Bible that we have today? I mean, how did God get His words from Him to us? Sixty-six books written by about 40 authors over a period of nearly 1600 years - how did this happen? How could God take sinful men and have them write a book with no errors? Of all the books written way back then, how was it decided that the 66 we have today were from God and should be the ones to make up the Bible?

These are important questions!  And we have a course in our BBN Bible Institute that explains all of this and gives help on how to get more from your Bible reading. With 2022 here, this may be a great time to take this course and recharge your devotional time. 01100 The Bible: from God to Us.

Written By:   Shannon Dyess    Date Posted:  12/30/2021 1:31 PM
Number of Views:  2448

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