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Eat Up- It's Good For You!

Sometime ago an explorer and his entire team died on an expedition in the Antarctic.  Scientists were puzzled over their deaths.  After much investigation, it is believed that they starved to death even though they had eaten three times the normal amount of daily required food.  They did not know that under excessive work loads and cold temperatures the body needs seven times the normal daily food requirements.

In our Christian lives there are many stresses and strains that necessitate an above average intake of spiritual food. Also, new and consistently serving Christians need more Biblical caloric intake than others.  There are many Christians today who are spiritually mal-nourished and do not have the needed knowledge or energy to daily succeed.  There are those who risk spiritual collapse because their daily spiritual intake is woefully inadequate.

BBN-BI is here to help you study God’s Word and take in more spiritual food to build you up and to equip you to be more discerning about spiritual matters and better suited to minister to others.  If you are a new or stagnant Christian, a great course for you is The Basics of the Christian Faith.  This course addresses basic Doctrines such as the Bible, God, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, man, and salvation.  It teaches about the Church, baptism, and gives some guidelines for finding the church that is right for you.  The material has been gathered by the BBN staff and the voice heard is long-time BBN announcer,Vic Gregory. This course also gives practical help on how to triumph over temptations and how to discern God’s will for your life. 

BBN-BI is a buffet banquet.  “Eat Up- It’s Good for You."

Written By:   Shannon Dyess    Date Posted:  7/23/2007 1:39 PM
Number of Views:  6997

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