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Ever Had A "Mater" Sandwich?

If you are from the South in the U.S. you probably have heard of a “mater” sandwich or hopefully eaten one.  A “mater” is  Southern slang for tomato.  Tomatoes grow well in most places in the South.  They taste the best, red-ripe right from the garden.  Slice them and put them between two bread slices, spread with mayonnaise.  Ooh that’s good!  Really!  Don’t forget the iced sweet tea.

You do not have to be from Southern, USA to know that someone has to plant tomato seeds in order to grow tomatoes.  The Apostle Paul was no gardener but he knew the principle. He wrote, “What ever a man sows (plants) that shall he also reap (pick as a crop).  This works in the negative as well as in the positive.  If we plant and nourish the wrong ideas or actions, those things will come back into our lives producing plentiful troubles and heartaches.  However, if we plant ideas, truths, and actions that are pleasing to God, those things will spring up in our lives.

It is true that some seeds take longer than others to grow into plants that give delicious produce.  Nourishment, faith, and patience are necessary in planting.  In our Christian lives we tend to want to see immediate growth from our seed plantings.  The Word of God is “good Seed.”  If we plant it in our minds we will enjoy the fruits of God’s blessing.  But planting the seed of God’s Word in our own hearts or others requires time and patience.

BBN-BI is a great source of “good Seed.” God’s Word is taught by experienced, godly teachers.  As you put this Seed in your heart it will take time to grow and mature.  We must be consistent, patient, and obedient.  Then God wants us to take the truths we learn and plant them into the hearts of others.

We encourage you to not become weary in doing this, for as God’s Word promises, “you will reap if you faint not.”  Don’t quit.  Keep putting God’s Word into your heart and others.

After your next BI lesson- have a “mater” sandwich and some iced sweet tea.




Written By:   Shannon Dyess    Date Posted:  8/2/2007 12:02 PM
Number of Views:  7460

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