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"One Of Those Days"

Have you had lately “one of those days?” You know, one of those days in which everything just seems to go wrong?  How about “one of those” weeks or months?

Some time ago I read an article from the Jerusalem Post about a Jewish man in Bnei Brak, Israel.  Desiring to end his life, he jumped from a bridge to the pavement below in the midst of traffic.  Instead of hitting the pavement, he landed on a pile of mattresses being hauled in the back end of a truck.  At the moment of his cushioned, safe landing, he probably felt like a cursed failure. “Some days, nothing goes right!”

Certainly Christians never feel like: “nothing in my life is going right”- right? Wrong!

We all have our days.  We all eventually experience moments of despair or even seasons of depression.  David, the great musician in the Scriptures wrote:

                “Will the Lord cast off forever?  And will He be favorable no more?

                   Is His mercy clean gone forever?  Does His promise fail for evermore? 

                  Has God forgotten to be gracious?...”  Psalm 77:7-9

In the days in which we live it is easy to become discouraged and to wonder, “How can I make sense of my life?”

In our Bible Institute we offer a number of courses to help you make sense of life.  God’s Word has much to say about living right in a world that has so much wrong.  We invite you to consider one or more of the following courses to give you some wise direction and godly counsel for living a life of purpose and a life pleasing to God.  See our Christian Living and Family Studies at

20200  Practical Christian Living, Dewey Bertolini; 

20400  God’s Perfect Will for Living, Wendell Calder;

20600  Living in Holiness, Ross Rhoads;

20900  Living in The Spirit, Donald R. Hubbard;

21500  Living by Faith, Dwight Pentecost.

We cannot promise that you will never again have one of those days,” but we can promise your life can be better and different, if you will spend more time in studying and obeying God’s Word.

Written By:   Shannon Dyess    Date Posted:  8/13/2007 1:26 PM
Number of Views:  6871

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