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Thinking Is Like Taking Vitamins

In the United States we have been conditioned by culture to do little thinking.  Why think?  We have computers that can do most anything for us.  We only have to think about which button on the key pad to click.  We do not want to think; we want to be amused (incidentally which means “no thinking”) and entertained.

It seems people cannot go anywhere unless they have a speaker mic in their ear or a telephone glued to their profile.  Even most churches are now geared to frantic pace movement, pulsating noise, and flashing screens.

When is there time to think, reflect, meditate, question, discern, affirm, or resolve?  I am convinced God gave us  minds to use in these capacities.  We are often entreated in Scripture to do so.  Paul taught the Philippian church: “whatever things are true, honest, just, pure, lovely, of good report, virtuous, and praise worthy- think on these things.”

I have often been intrigued by the responses of Mary when she was approached by an angel and informed she was chosen to be the virgin mother of the Son of God.  She knew of her own innocence and virginity and asked the Angel, “How is this possible?”  Luke the Gospel writer, recorded: “When she saw him (the angel), she was troubled at his saying, and cast in her mind (i.e. reflected, considered, deliberated) what manner of salutation this should be.”  Luke later wrote this of Mary: “Mary kept all these things, and pondered them in her heart.”

Good teaching leads to good thinking and thinking leads to questions.  Here at the BBN Bible Institute we offer courses and teaching by knowledgeable, godly teachers.  We know that a viable part of learning may also include unlearning.  As the Holy Spirit opens our minds to Divine truths, we may have some things to unlearn or some questions that need to be discussed.  With our Institute being on line you have access to qualified teachers to answer your questions.  At the bottom of the test pages there is a place provided for you to email your questions.  This is not a forum to argue pet preferences or a blog to verbalize one’s opinions.  We encourage your thoughtful questions and responses to the truths you are receiving in your course lessons.

Thinking is like taking vitamins, it isn’t always pleasant, but it is necessary and healthy. 

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Written By:   Shannon Dyess    Date Posted:  10/18/2007 3:20 PM
Number of Views:  7180

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