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 Do you know what the foundation stone of the Church is?  There is one truth that is the foundation for the churches that comprise the true Church of Jesus Christ.  Jesus himself identified this unchanging foundational truth!

Not long before His death and resurrection, Jesus asked His twelve disciples two very penetrating questions.  First He asked, “Who do people say that I the Son of man am?”  They responded, “Some say John the Baptist, others say Elijah, Jeremiah, or one of the prophets.”  Jesus then questioned, “Who do you say I am?”  Peter retorted correctly, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.”  Jesus then affirmed, “Peter, upon this rock (this truth you just stated) I will build my church.”  And then He made this powerful exclamation: “The gates of hell shall not prevail against the church.”

The assemblies that meet today, true Christian churches, it is these that make up the Church.  The Church is the true body of Believers world wide.  The only genuine churches are those that hold true to this founding stone…”Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God.”  It is not a denomination; it is not buildings made of lumber, brick, mortar, metal, steeples, or stained glass.  True Christian assemblies are made up of individuals that by faith have embraced this distinctive foundational truth.  If an individual or the entire assembly misses this great truth they are not a part of the true Church of which Jesus spoke and founded.

Many churches in the States seem to be teetering, wobbling, and leaning in positions that are sure to fall completely away from the Biblical ideal.  The Church as a whole has become comfortable, lazy, self serving, worldly, sinful, and polluted with false doctrine.  However, Jesus emphatically reassures us that the true Church cannot be obliterated by men or devils.

What can you do as an individual to be sure you do not get sucked into the vortex of entertainment soaked, high toleration, and stand for nothing Christianity?  What can you do to help your church not become a casualty to error, worldliness, and compromise?

It is the truth that sets us free and sets one apart from error.  BBN-BI has two courses that will help you to see God’s plan and purposes for His Church.  Course 11900, The Essence of the Church, is taught by Dr. Erwin Lutzer and 00600, Study of the Church, is taught by Dr. Manford G. Gutzke.

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Written By:   Shannon Dyess    Date Posted:  2/25/2008 4:35 PM
Number of Views:  6993

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