Does It Make Sense?
Some time ago I visited a church in the state of Georgia. The Sunday school lesson was a continuation of a study in the book of Revelation. The teacher read the passage and said: “I haven’t the foggiest idea what this means, do you Pastor?” Out of the class audience the Pastor responded, “I’ve never been able to make heads or tails of the book of Revelation, so I don’t read it or preach it.” I sat in that class appalled and grieved. No doubt there are some puzzling passages in the book of Revelation, but God did not include the book in His Holy Bible to be ignored or neglected. A young Pastor was instructed by the Apostle Paul in II Timothy with this profound proclamation: “All scripture is given by inspiration of God (breathed out by God Himself), and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.” Paul was emphasizing that God gave us His words and they are understandable and helpful.
There is much confusion and a great deal of gross error being taught today concerning the “End Times” of our world. The study of “End Times or Last Things” is called “Eschatology.” For genuine Christians, an understanding of the future gives help and hope for the difficult times of this present life, and blessed hope concerning one’s eternal future. For those who have not come to Christ for His redemption, their future and destiny are bleak and hopeless. Thankfully, God wants us to have hope and He has made provision for us to understand the Bible, even the book of Revelation.
We have premier Bible scholars teaching courses on the “End Times” in our Bible Institute. If you have wished that someone could help you make sense of the book of Revelation and the many future Biblical prophecies, choose from a number of our courses in our Bible Doctrines Studies and Bible Electives Studies. With these instructors and especially with the Holy Spirit as your teacher you can come to well understand Bible Prophecy. Some of our courses include: 10800 Doctrine of Eschatology, 11100 Doctrine of Future Events, 11500 Five Future Events, 51600 Signs of the Times, and 51800 Jews, Gentiles, and the Church.
Invite a friend today to enroll in BBN-BI.
Written By:
Shannon Dyess
Date Posted:
3/13/2008 9:02 AM
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