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We live in difficult and evil times.  It seems there are few who will take a stand for what is right.  It is time to stand.  God is always looking for those who will stand with Him and with the truths of His Word.  We live in a day when most around us wink at sin and wobble in error.  No doubt the situation will come when we must not only stand, but stand alone.  One man said it this way:

"It is human to stand with the crowd: it is Divine to stand alone; it is manlike to follow the people, to drift with the tide; it is Godlike to follow a principle, to stem the tide. It is natural to compromise conscience and follow the social and religious fashion for the sake of gain or pleasure. It is Divine to sacrifice both on the altar of truth and duty.

‘No man stood with me, but all forsook me,’ wrote the battle-scarred Apostle in describing his life for believing and teaching contrary to the Roman world.  Truth has been out of fashion since man changed his robe of fadeless light for a garment of faded leaves.

Noah built and voyaged alone.  His neighbors laughed at his strangeness and perished in style.  Abraham wandered and worshipped alone.  Sodomites smiled at the simple shepherd, followed the fashion, and fed the flames.  Daniel dined and prayed alone.  Elijah sacrificed and witnessed alone.  Jeremiah prophesied and wept alone.  Jesus loved and died alone.”

Actually, if we are standing for truth, we never stand alone.  God is with us and has promised never to leave us alone.

You and I cannot stand for truth and avoid the ruin and damnation of false doctrine if we do not know accurate Bible doctrine.  We have numerous courses in our Bible Doctrines Studies division in the Bible Institute.  One course we would like to recommend this week is 10500, Dispensational Theology.  Dr. Renald Showers shows how to understand how God dealt with His people through different Covenants down through the ages.  Once one understands this, the truths of Scripture will become fresh, vibrant, and clear as a new, sunny spring morning.

Jude, the New Testament writer wrote these inspired words: “It was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that you would earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.”

It is time to take a stand. Will you STAND?

Written By:   Shannon Dyess    Date Posted:  4/14/2008 3:33 PM
Number of Views:  7537

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