Science Is Like A Chicken...
lady was having trouble sleeping, so she went to her doctor with the
problem. He advised her to eat something just before she went to bed.
Shocked, she responded to him that just the past week he had told her
not to eat before going to bed. His response was that
science had made great strides in the past week!
what is science anyway? Is it not what men observe and their making
conclusions based on that observation? Many things once believed to
be true have since been repudiated on further investigation. Dr. W.A.
Criswell, once long-time pastor of the First Baptist Church of
Dallas, Texas, said that science is like a chicken, it is
molting all the time! This is very true. Science has been very
helpful when it has discovered ways to help humanity. However, when
people have attempted to use science, falsely so-called, to seek to
avoid accountability to God it
has proven destructive. Hiding under the façade of science,
humanistic atheism has taught us that man was not created by God, but
just happened and therefore has no reason to be accountable
for his actions. The Bible, however, teaches just the opposite. Is
there evidence to prove either one of these teachings as the truth?
You may be surprised at the evidence that exists for God’s
creation of the world just as the Bible teaches. Of course we believe
it because God is trustworthy, but along with this, He has left
evidences for the truth of His Word that may very well prove helpful
for anyone wanting to study this all-important subject.
BBN BI is excited to offer some courses dealing with the subject of
creation. One of those courses is number 50800, Understanding
Creation, taught by Dr. John Whitcomb. In this interesting
course, you will learn such things as the fact that there are more
stars in the sky than grains of sand on the oceans’ floors of
the world! Another amazing fact the student will learn is that when
Jesus Christ performed miracles here on earth, He gave evidence of
exactly how creation occurred! We trust you will profit greatly by
taking this excellent course.
Written By:
David Wyatt
Date Posted:
6/2/2008 9:40 AM
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