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Nothing Has Changed

Nothing has changed? To what could this possibly be referring? Things most certainly are changing! Each new day brings changes into our world, and our individual lives, so much so that in some ways we find it difficult to cope. In fact, there are some poor souls that do not cope, they simply give up. We all have people and places as well as even things to which we become so attached that when they leave us we find it difficult, even nearly impossible to deal with their loss. A certain way of life, a loved one, even a cherished possession, when these are taken or just fade away, the loss to our well-being sometimes shakes us so much that we are knocked off our equilibrium. Even in the Word of God, there have been changes, such as between the Old and New Testaments as well as changes in dispensations.

So, the above statement, nothing has changed cannot possibly be true about things in our lives. But wait! There is something that has not changed at all, from eternity past to eternity future; God Himself has never changed nor can He change! In fact, there is no need for God to change since He sees the end from the beginning and knows all things. He has give us the ability to make choices, even though He is in control, He allows us to make certain decisions that can be devastating to us and others. Likely the greatest of these decisions was Adam and Eve's decision to disobey God and obey the devil and choose what they thought was a better way. The entire race as we know was plunged into sin through that catastrophic decision. But God knowing all things and being Himself Love, planned from the foundation of the world to send His Son as the atoning sacrifice for the sins of the whole world (including yours and mine).

So, though everything seems to be and in fact often is changing around us and even within us, God never does; He will receive any and everyone who comes to Him through faith in His Son, Jesus Christ and the sacrifice He made for us on the cross! If you would like to know more about this amazing love of God, we invite you to study all about God's Word through the free BBN Bible Institute. The web address is Some courses you will want to consider are number 00100, The Basics of the Christian Faith, number 00900, The Doctrine of Salvation, as well as number 10600, The Doctrine of the New Birth. If you are blessed by studying the unchanging Word of our unchanging God, tell your friends about it as well!

Written By:   David Wyatt    Date Posted:  2/17/2009 11:05 AM
Number of Views:  7724

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