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How Long Do I Have To Complete A Lesson?

In the classroom at BBNBI,  you can start the lesson then pause it and go do something else. You may change the baby,  run an errand, go grocery shopping, and then come back and still continue to play the audio lesson. However, there is a time limit for taking the tests. 

You should not normally encounter a problem if you take the test in one sitting.  It's only when one leaves the test open for long periods of time (like 4 hours) that time-outs occur.  Taking a test normally only takes about 5-10 minutes. Even if you take the test as you listen ,which is recommended, it should be less than an hour. If you submit a test and the system has reset, you are asked to log in again, and you will need to take that test again. (Remember: After you complete a test, click "Next" at the bottom of the page and at the bottom of the next page "Submit.")



Written By:   RJ    Date Posted:  5/26/2006 3:49 PM
Number of Views:  19644

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