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I'm Locked out! Now what do I do?

 There is a safety mechanism included with the BBNBI system that causes it to lock out a student that does not enter the user name & password exactly as it was entered when they registered. In other words, if there is a letter missing, a space missing (or added), or a capital letter was not used or vice versa, it will lock out the student after three attempts.  


The lockout only lasts for 15 minutes. If  this is what is happening to you, then  please enter the username and password correctly and try again after fifteen minutes.

If you are not sure of your correct user name and password then just click the link right below the login box that is marked, "forgot username" or  "forgot password." BBNBI will send you the correct one immediately by e-mail.


Once you receive the correct one from BBNBI, then enter it carefully and login again.

Written By:   R.Johnson    Date Posted:  1/10/2007 11:11 AM
Number of Views:  10627

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