“I spent my early adult life searching for a purpose, and then God showed me His purpose for my life. I am searching no more." |
Terry - Accountant - FL
I was a good person; I worked hard, went to school and got good grades. I didn’t do drugs or drink, but I knew deep down that there was more to life than what I was living. I was spending my early adult life searching for a purpose, and I continued that search through college. I became involved in sports, and when that didn’t satisfy me, I focused more on my academics. After not finding the purpose in those two areas, I decided to put the search on hold and just have a good time partying with my friends. I soon found out that living for the weekend wasn’t going to give me what I was looking for either. Then one Sunday, my best friend and I decided to go to church. I thought maybe God might have a purpose for my life. Amazingly, the pastor spoke in a way as if he knew me. I was so curious after that Sunday that I continued to attend church every time the doors were open. One Sunday, after the service, a deacon handed me a booklet that explained God’s love and plan for me. I realized that I wasn’t following God’s plan because I was sinful and separated from Him. Now, I knew that God loved me and sent His son to die on the cross for me, and I needed to turn my life over to Him. It became clear that if I surrendered my life to the Lord, I would have a purpose. This was great news, but it was too hard for me to accept because I was ashamed of how I lived. I decided to try to live a sinless life without God in control, but in no time I found myself sinning more than ever. It was at that time in my life when I finally decided that I needed God to change me. So right there on the floor of my bedroom, I asked Jesus to come into my life and make me the man He wants me to be. Finally, I found the purpose I had been searching for. God showed me His purpose to know Him, enjoy Him and to help others come to know Him. My search was over.
Do you feel like there is more to life than what you’re living? Are you like Terry was, looking for a purpose in life? If so, let’s chat about it! |