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Pastors Are Talking...

Pastors Are Talking...

Last year more than 7,500 of you told us how you heard about the BBN Bible Institute and hundreds of you said you heard about us through a pastor or another church leader! This excites us because it speaks very well of your leadership and their desire to see you immersed in God's Word as much as possible throughout the week as well as on Sundays! Pastors and church leaders, thank you from the BBN BI team! You are a part of us and we are grateful you for taking the time and effort in your services to share this ministry with your people. You have caught the vision of what we are all about, which includes working together with you in getting every one we can involved in serious study of God's Word. 

Also, those of you who have taken your pastor's and other leaders' advice and signed up, thank you! We trust you have already come to see the value of these courses taught by literally some of the finest Bible teachers in the world.  For those of you who have not yet enrolled or who may have just recently found our web site, think of studying the Word of God with Bible teachers such as Dwight Pentecost, Howard Hendricks, Erwin Lutzer, Warren Wiersbe and others- free of charge! We have 110 courses in 6 divisions of study and you may study at your own pace according as your schedule allows. Twenty-five students in '09 completed the required 100 courses and received their Diplomas. This identifies them as serious Bible students in these uncertain times when the truths of Scripture are more needed than ever to establish us in "the Faith once for all delivered to the saints." 

Once again, pastors and church leaders, thank you for sharing the vision of BBN BI with your people and may the Lord bless you as we begin a new year in study of the Word of God!  In what better pursuit could we be found when the Lord returns than this?  As Paul said (though no one knows when Christ will return for His church) "now is our salvation nearer than when we first believed!" 

Written By:   Shannon Dyess    Date Posted:  1/13/2010 9:35 AM
Number of Views:  10523

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