If You Had To Choose Only One...
If You Had To Choose Only One...
Those of you who have been studying in the BBN Bible Institute for some time have more than likely encountered many courses that have been very helpful to you in your study of God's Word. In fact, we know this is the case because we have heard from many of you along this line. We were wondering, however, if you had to choose just one of the courses that you have taken so far, which one would you be willing to recommend to a friend? Some of our students have even come to realize that they did not have a saving relationship with Jesus Christ until they began taking the courses! Others of our students have related to us that God is using the Institute to help them to prepare to accept His call to a Bible teaching ministry and other educational options were not economically feasible for them. We are thankful that God has raised up this tool for our use and His glory. Just as with anything that excites and helps us, we want to share it with those we love. To whom will you share the good news of your favorite course?
Written By:
David Wyatt
Date Posted:
4/8/2010 12:44 PM
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