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Love in Any Language
Love in Any Language

It is a joy to walk the halls of the Bible Broadcasting Network headquarters building and hear at any time the voices of men and women, whom God has called to this team, sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all the world as Jesus commanded! God has blessed us to be able to broadcast in eight languages so far, and when I hear these voices sharing in each of these languages as I walk down the hall, I rejoice in the fact that though I sometimes do not understand the words, I know the heart of the people and it excites me that the Gospel is going out in all these languages! The same Gospel works in the hearts of men and women, boys and girls whether they speak English, Chinese, Spanish, Korean, Japanese, Portuguese, German or Russian! In fact, it works in the lives of people who speak languages we don't even know exist. For example, just in English, we have students in 124 countries, many of which I had never heard of until we had a student there! Yet, the exact same Gospel of the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of our sins saves the souls of people no matter the language they speak or the country in which they reside. As you share the ministry of the BBN Bible Institute with friends and acquaintances, only God knows the far-reaching effects it may have on the eternal souls of people you'll never meet until we reach Heaven and we meet them rejoicing at the Judgment Seat of Christ! So, continue sharing the BBN BI whether it be by word of mouth, ITL cards, or some other way; God can use it to further His work until Jesus comes. When you meet Christ, you'll be glad you did! May the Lord bless you!

Written By:   David Wyatt    Date Posted:  5/10/2010 1:10 PM
Number of Views:  7282

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