The Greatest Pursuit
The Greatest Pursuit
If you were asked what is the most rewarding pursuit possible, what would you say in response? If we consider the rewards, not only here in this lifetime, but on into eternity, the answer becomes simple: It must be the study of the Word of God! There are worthy pursuits in this world that help people in many ways, but the study of God's Word not only helps us here and now, but it gives us spiritual strength that lasts on into eternity. It is sharper than any double-edged sword and only the Word of God can cut between the division of the human soul and spirit, so as to discern the very intentions of our hearts! (See Hebrews 4:12) It is the Word of God that brought us forth unto life eternal and it is the Word of God that will judge us on the last day. (see James 1:18 and John 12:48) The Word of God brought everything into existence and the Word of God sustains us when nothing else can. The glories of God's Word are endless, and we invite you to come and partake of the study of this Word, that caused Jeremiah to say that it was the joy and rejoicing of his heart when he was in the lowest state imaginable! (See Jeremiah 15:16) It is certainly the greatest of all pursuits in life. The BBN Bible Institute offers courses in Bible Doctrine, Christian Living and Family studies, individual Bible Book studies as well as Bible character studies and electives. Beyond this we have studies directed toward teens, so that the whole family can study the Word of God together. Check out the BBN Bible Institute and be among the nearly 89,000 other active students at BBNBI.org.
Written By:
David Wyatt
Date Posted:
10/11/2010 4:21 PM
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