Did You Know?
Did You Know?
Quite frequently students in our Bible Institute share with us how a certain course has especially blessed their life and they want us to know. For example, a student recently said that he had so been helped and encouraged by course number 20500, The Value of Prayer; he not only listened to the lesson again after he had taken the course, but had listened to it with his parents and pastor in a 24-hour period. This is one of the features that we have built into the BI, students can not only listen to portions of a lesson or the entire lesson as many times as they like, they can also listen to it after they have completed the tests. Of course, a test can only be submitted once, but lessons can be listened to as often as a student desires, both before and after completing the course.
Have you found a lesson or course that has especially changed your life? If so, drop us a line or give us a call and let us know. Even better, tell a friend and share the Word of God with them through your studies in the BBN Bible Institute. This is also another creative way to share the Gospel with the lost, and the saved as well. Just like God's salvation to us, the BBNBI (bbnbi.org) is free of charge!
Written By:
David Wyatt
Date Posted:
11/17/2010 2:45 PM
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