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June is one of the most popular months for Anniversaries.  Well, we are celebrating one ourselves! 

This week is a special week in the ministry life of BBN.  It is the 5th ANNIVERSARY of the English Bible Institute (BBNBI). 

Five years ago, June 1, 2006, Dr. Lowell Davey and staff put together a new ministry with the intent of providing an opportunity for people to study God’s word in a Bible School styled setting but online and at no cost  to the students.  This was to be a means for anyone 13 years or older to study any time and anywhere, twenty four hours a day, 365 days a year.  It was a novel idea at the time and we had no idea of how well it might work.  God has surprised and delighted us with His blessing and the response of students.  Today we have almost 27,000 students enrolled in 134 countries.  We have awarded 64,757 certificates and 112 Diplomas.

We invite you to celebrate with us this special Anniversary occasion.  The anniversary experts tell us the customary type of gift to give for a 5th Anniversary is something made of wood.  We would like to suggest some “WOULD” gifts and ask that select one to give to us for this anniversary.

"WOULD" Gifts

1)       WOULD you pray for us and our students daily that God will change lives    and prepare students that will be active servants for Jesus Christ?

2)       WOULD you select a course and begin a study with us or continue your studies?

3)       WOULD you send a monetary gift to help us continue this great ministry FREE to anyone that desires to study God’s word?

4)       WOULD you in the next 10 days tell at least 5 friends, neighbors, or co-workers about BBNBI and how to find us online?

5)       WOULD you come to see us sometime soon and let us give you a tour so you can see what God is doing around the world through the various outreaches of BBN?

Your WOULD Gift would make our 5th Anniversary especially memorable.  Email us and tell us what WOULD Gift  you will share with us (  Thanks for being a partner with God and us in this ministry.  We are humbled by what He has done and is doing and by all those He has chosen to help us in these past five years.

      To God Be The Glory Great Things He Has Done!!!



Written By:   Shannon Dyess    Date Posted:  6/3/2011 3:58 PM
Number of Views:  6675

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