90 Year Old Graduates
90 Year Old Graduates
No kidding, Bertie Gladwin, graduated with his Master’s degree from University of Buckingham in military intelligence. Who said “you can’t teach an old dog new tricks?” That may be true for dogs, but not humans! In an article he wrote online in The Guradian, Bertie told how he quit school at age fourteen in 1935, but after retiring in his 60’s thought he’d go back to school. He completed his Master’s degree in May of 2012. An interviewer asked why he pursued this program of study, and he responded: he just had a continuing desire to learn. He suggests that anyone past retirement pursue some kind of formal learning.
Just recently I was reading an online article from the Daily Mail Reporter about Xavier Gordon-Brown who at 12 years old is Britain’s youngest university student. He is pursuing a degree in Math. Oh, and he’s also learning to play three musical instruments as well.
August is the month when students return to school and this month is the month BBN Bible Institute is in the midst of a push, Start A New Study. We are encouraging people who have signed up in the past with our BI but haven’t taken a course in awhile to select another course and begin a new study. Also, we are inviting those of you who are unfamiliar with BBNBI to sign up and select one of our 116 courses and begin a study that will help you better understand your Bible and encourage you to walk closer to Christ.
We have had over 250 students in their teens and over 50 students in their 80’s and 90’s and thousands in between these ages to enroll in the last 13 months. We have students from 152 countries. If you have a desire to study God’s word, you aren’t too young or too old. We have courses in the individual books of the Bible, Bible biographies, courses on the family, prophecy, doctrines, studies for teens and much more. We hope you will sign up and Start A New Course! Sign Up Here.
Written By:
Shannon Dyess
Date Posted:
8/23/2013 3:22 PM
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