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Studying and Shunning!

Studying and Shunning!

Seventy-eight percent of the people that are into the occult or in cults today, were once in the Christian church! The amount of deception that goes on within cults and the occult is astounding. The enemy of our souls, the devil, uses this deceit to entrap many that are not properly grounded in the genuine Word of God, hooking them by the signs and wonders that are often performed by false teachers. Yet, as always, the Lord can use even the existence of this dangerous deception for good in the lives of His own, since by contrasting truth with error do we really learn and do we really absorb at a rapid rate. God places a high premium on knowing and studying His Word, so we can properly apply it in our lives, as He spoke through Paul to Timothy, saying, “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of truth. But shun profane and vain babblings: for they will increase unto more ungodliness”(2 Tim.2:15-16). Of course, to shun the false, we must know the true! Another great truth concerning the Word of truth, the Bible, it has solid answers that deal with every false teaching that could possibly be dreamed up -since truth came first! As Dr. Harry Ironside pointed out once, God allowed Satan to play his entire hand in the first century concerning false teaching, so that it could be recorded in God’s Word for us, allowing us to have the resources so as to contrast it with God’s truth and shun it in our lives and warn the brothers and sisters as well! Satan the deceiver and his deceived false teachers are very adept at giving what is very close to the truth, yet fatally missing and corrupting it. For a very crucial example, cults inevitably claim to be in accord with historic Christianity, but always end up denying the centrality of the Gospel message, that Jesus Christ is God who came in human flesh. In fact, in dealing with any cult, we need to place it next to Scripture so we can have a clear-cut refutation and answer from God's Word. In our free, online BBN Bible Institute,, we offer more than one course to help the believer in dealing with cults and refuting error. Two of these courses are 52400 Personal Evangelism and 52700 Beware of the Cults, in which the first deals with the genuine Gospel and the other exposes and enlightens concerning the false gospels of the cults.

If these courses prove to be a help to you, please share them with a friend. May the Lord bless you.

Written By:   David Wyatt    Date Posted:  3/21/2014 4:09 PM
Number of Views:  6241

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