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The Thrill

Back to School

Do you remember those crisp fall mornings when a new school year was to begin? Can you still feel the air of excitement, the thrill of a new adventure, the welcomed stiffness of new clothes, and the pride of new supplies and books? Looking back into the file folder of memories, I remember the new clothes. We were poor and this was one of the few times in the year we could count on getting new clothes. How my mother ever outfitted six children for school in those days is still a mystery in economics. I remember the blue jeans two sizes larger (to accommodate ever growing legs) with the double padded knees, the two new shirts and a cheap pair of tennis shoes. The days of brown bag lunches, thermos bottles, slide rules, 3 ring blue canvas notebooks are long gone (and so are the board meetings in the Principal’s office). But the thrill of learning has never stopped.

August is back to school month at BBN Bible Institute. Has it been awhile since you took a course in BBNBI? Maybe you’ve been taking a break or perhaps you’ve been on vacation. You may have signed up and had the best of intentions to get started in our studies but haven’t yet begun. In the month of August we are emphasizing Back to School. It’s that time of year for many school age children, teens and young adults. Well, it’s a great time for anyone that wants to study the Bible! Maybe you haven’t browsed in awhile; go ahead take a peek.  No buses, no early morning traffic or loud kids in our school. Turn on your computer, tablet, or smart phone and enter our cyber classroom. We have courses that will benefit you. We have Introductory Bible studies, studies in Doctrines, Christian living and family life, individual book studies of the Bible, Bible characters, and Electives that cover a variety of topics from music to prophecy. We also have Teen studies.  Our latest added course in our Institute is 01100 The Bible, From God to Us.Grab a cup of coffee or hot mocha and a cookie and logon to Experience again the  thrill of learning. It’s okay to invite a friend! What is school without friends? Welcome to a new school year!

Written By:   Shannon Dyess    Date Posted:  8/1/2014 10:51 AM
Number of Views:  6232

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