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Lorraine was four months pregnant when she received word from her doctors that she had advanced liver cancer. She was given the choice to terminate the life of her baby and receive cancer treatments to try to save her own life or forfeit her chances of living to save her baby. To Lorraine the choice was an easy one. She chose to give birth to her son, Liam. Two months after delivering a healthy baby boy she died. Her husband said that she was overjoyed to give life to Liam.

What was free to this child was not free to his mother and father.  Often we receive  free things never stopping to contemplate: though they were free to us it cost someone else to make it available to us. BBN Radio and BBN Bible Institute are like this. They are made available free of charge to whoever wants them but these do not come cheap or free. There are caring individuals who realize the value of God’s Word going into all the world and its power to change minds and lives, and to salvage homes.  You are the recipient of other peoples’ investments. They have given sacrificially so others can receive free of charge. Will you be one of these and help us help others?

Sept. 29 - Oct. 2, is our annual Shareathon.  This is the time of year that we ask those who have been blessed by this ministry and have benefited by it to give to the continuation of it.  Our Shareathon is how we raise our budget for our regular yearly expenses.  We ask that you give prayerful consideration to making a commitment of a regular monthly gift.  Some gifts are as small as $5 a month and some are as large as $1000 a month.  Some prefer to give their gifts all at one time. 

Your gifts will keep this ministry going for you, but also for others.  God’s Word teaches us to “give as He has prospered us.”  He will guide you as to what He would be pleased for you to give.  We call this “Faith Promise.”  What this means is that you trust God to give to you and you promise to give to BBN as He makes that available.  Sept 29 - Oct. 2 you will have an opportunity to make a phone call to make your commitment (in USA, call 800-888-7077) or to go online and give by Credit Card.  If you are already giving and plan to continue giving, please let us know this too.  

Thank you for praying and giving so that we can continue making all of our services free to all that want them. 

Can we count on YOU?

Written By:   Shannon Dyess    Date Posted:  9/24/2014 4:24 PM
Number of Views:  5837

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