What Would It Be Like?
What Would It Be Like?
Can you imagine what it would be like to literally meet with and talk with Adam and Eve, and learn what it was like in the Garden of Eden? How about living so close to God that you never died, but God simply takes you so that you never see death? Do you wonder what it would be like after you were taken, that the whole world would miss your godly influence, even those that hated you while you were on earth? By now, you may be suspecting that I am speaking of Enoch, whose life story we find in Genesis chapter 5. He is listed there in a monotonous, obituary list, but, as the man who did not die. Enoch’s story is the story of life among death, a man that began life like most others of his time, ungodly. So much was the wickedness of his day that God Himself grieved that He had ever created humanity. In fact, the Epistle of Jude, one of the three books in Scripture which mention Enoch, records for us his Divinely inspired prophecy concerning his day: “To execute judgment upon all, and to convince all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed, and of all their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against Him.” Enoch himself began life in that wicked environment, until God evidently got his attention when his little boy was born! The coming judgment of God so gripped his mind that he named this boy Methuselah which meant when he dies it shall come. His very name was a prophecy that when his son died, God would unleash His wrath on the world. Even in this we see the grace of God since Methuselah lived longer than any other man in recorded history (969 years)! There is so much more to learn of and from this man Enoch, so, we invite you to take a free Bible course on his life. This study on the life of Enoch is included in the course, 41600 Special Bible Characters, and is taught by Dr. John Phillips in the BBN Bible Institute (www.BBNBI.org). There are 6 free lessons in this study. If this course or any of the other 116 courses prove a blessing to you, please share the news with a friend!
Written By:
Shannon Dyess
Date Posted:
10/9/2014 2:59 PM
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